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H: 12/13/20 – “A Weary World Rejoices”

The world is in agony, but these are not the death throes of a dying world but rather the birthing pangs of new beginning. We do not yet see this new life but we endure patiently knowing what it is coming. And when the pains of labor have passed, and though we may be weary, we will rejoice in what God has done.

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H: 4/5/20 – “The 200th Anniversary of Christianity in Hawaii”

On April 4, 1820, the first missionaries arrived on the Big Island from New England and changed the islands forever. New Hope Central Oahu was amazingly born on April 4, 1999. Today, we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the coming of the Gospel to the people of Hawaii and one of the greatest revivals in the history of modern missions. Hawaii has revival in its DNA!

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W: BP6: “The Reckoning”

Throughout this series we have been learning about the importance of acting out your faith. So how do you do that? Where do you start?

The answer: prayer.

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